
Friday, February 29, 2008

Atlanta Sisterlocks Consultants Refresher Class -I'll Be There

I'm taking a SISTERLOCKS Consultants Refresher Class next month and I can't wait. It will be my second refresher. They are a great opportunity for consultants to review and refine their technique, meet the most wonderful Master Sisterlocks consultants and get answers to niggling questions(especially troubleshooting). We also get to make new friends. In addition to being able to sit in for the complete training sessions, you can have tailor made refresher classes where you can focus on a specific aspect of the Sisterlocks technique. And all for the price of only $75.00
I count myself particularly lucky this time because Dr. Joanne Cornwell herself will be participating in some of the training. I think every consultant/consultant trainee should take regular refresher classes.
For those who have had their Sisterlocks for more than 6 months, don't forget that there is a retightening class available next month during the training session. Sign up on the website now if you are a DIYer- but ok it with your consultant first.
Lastly everyone don't forget the amazing photo shoot opportunity.
In case you might not be aware of it, Sisterlocks Home Office is setting up professional photo shoots for all Sisterlocks wearers for a really reasonable price. Details can be found on the Sisterlocks Home Page. The photo shoot will be at the same location as the Atlanta Consultants training. Go onto the site directly and fill out forms if you are interested. Hope to see many Atlanta Sisterlocks wearers there.

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